Hello everyone!
When I first purchase my website I wanted everything to be PERFECT or at least my idea of perfect. That was 6 years ago. I purchase the domain, the website and since I was taking classes of web design I said to myself why not build my own website. Well two years passed and I never PUBLISHED my original website because it was not "PERFECT"...then I got pregnant and had my first child and you know what they say about pregnancy brain or mammy's brain? Yes it is true and all that work I had done with my previous website I lost it because I forgot to pay for my original domain and someone took it. So the lesson I learn is that PERFECT is a work in progress...every week or month I like to play with my website, my facebook and instagram and guess what I change my mind all the time.
So to start the new year with a more clean mind I also decided to "clean" up my logo because it started to feel heavy to me, not sure if that makes any sense to you but it does to me so if you remember this is my old logo
I loved this logo and represents my beginning as a photographer and many years of my life but I thought it was time to change.
I started my ideas in my mind and almost went with a similar design but something was telling me that didn't feel good so I change my mind again and again and went with my heart ...YES for those of you that know me well know that I LOVE ALL THINGS HEARTS so I decided to incorporate a heart in my logo. So after going back and forward a few times with Rita William with https://www.etsy.com/shop/gracefulguessing she was able to transform what I had in my head into this beautiful and simple LOGO:
I might change again in the future because we need change we need to evolve and it's okay to embrace the new so would you please take a look around my website and tell me what you think and leave a comment or two.
Thanks again for your support and keeping my dreams alive.
Cheers to a wonderful and evolving 2018.